Advice NDIS Personal Tax

Fringe Benefits for Support Workers

Working as a support worker can be hugely rewarding. Whether you have worked in the profession for a long time or just starting out, it is important to know what extra benefits you may be eligible for. Beyond the many advantages of personal satisfaction, advancement opportunities and the development of interpersonal skills, there are a variety of fringe benefits that may be available.

So, what is a Fringe Benefit?

Fringe benefits are additional forms of compensation beyond regular salary or wages that employers offer to their employees. Examples of these benefits include health and dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, housing allowances, education assistance programs, childcare programs, employee discounts, and more. Employers provide fringe benefits as a means to attract and retain skilled employees and to enhance job satisfaction. These benefits also serve as a way for employers to express their gratitude for employees’ commitment and efforts, fostering loyalty and boosting morale within the workplace.

There are different types of fringe benefits, these include:

  • allowing an employee to use a work car for private purposes
  • providing car parking
  • paying an employee’s gym membership
  • providing entertainment by way of free tickets to concerts
  • reimbursing an expense incurred by an employee, such as school fees
  • giving an employee a discounted loan
  • giving benefits under a salary sacrifice arrangement with an employee.

The following are NOT fringe benefits:

  • salary and wages
  • employer contributions to complying super funds
  • shares or rights provided under approved employee share acquisition schemes
  • employment termination payments (including, for example, the gift or sale at a discount of a company car to an employee on termination)
  • payments deemed to be dividends under Division 7A
  • benefits provided to volunteers and contractors
  • exempt benefits, such as certain benefits provided by religious institutions to their religious practitioners.

What taxes have to be paid on Fringe Benefits?

In Australia, it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the correct amount of tax is paid on any fringe benefits provided. Employers are required to pay Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) on certain benefits given to employees, their families, or other associates. This applies even if the benefit is provided by a third party under the employer’s arrangement. The amount of FBT to be paid is determined by the taxable value of the fringe benefit and must be self-assessed and reported through an FBT return for each financial year (April 1 to March 31).

Making the most of your salary

To unlock the full potential of your income as a disability, aged care support worker or not-for-profit employee using salary packaging has many benefits. This ATO-approved method allows you to minimise your tax obligations on specific expenses. If you work in the not-for-profit sector, you have the opportunity to salary package and enjoy savings on a wide variety of daily costs.

The main benefits include:

1. Saving on everyday living expenses

Want to enjoy tax savings on everyday living expenses such as mortgage, rent, bills or other everyday items? The great news is you may be eligible! You may be able to access salary packaging up to $15,900 every Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year (1 April – 31 March) for expenses like these.

2. Meal entertainment benefits

Did you know it’s possible to save money while enjoying a meal out? Via salary packaging meal entertainment benefits can provide the opportunity to enjoy tax-free savings and potentially save hundreds of dollars each Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year. With a salary package of up to $2,650 for meal entertainment expenses. Take advantage of this opportunity from 1 April to 31 March.

3. Car leasing

Salary packaging of a car, also known as a novated car lease, is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to buy and run a car. With a novated lease, you pay for your vehicle expenses using a combination of your pre and post-tax salary. This could reduce your taxable income and the amount of tax you pay.

Fringe benefits play a pivotal role in creating a supportive and attractive work environment for support workers. They not only supplement the basic salary but also enhance the overall remuneration package, making a position more appealing. Additionally, these benefits contribute to improved employee well-being, job satisfaction, and loyalty. For those who often work in demanding conditions, fringe benefits like health insurance, education assistance, and childcare programs can significantly improve their work-life balance. Employers providing these benefits demonstrate a deep respect and appreciation for their employees’ commitment and hard work, fostering a positive and productive workplace.

If you need assistance with your tax or have any queries regarding fringe benefits, get in contact with Amanda today and book a chat.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Advice Business Education Strategy Tax

How To Reduce the Impact of the Minimum Wage Increase on Your Business

Raising the minimum wage has many benefits for workers – providing them with a higher gross income, increased buying power, improved standard of living, and greater disposable earnings. However, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges that small business owners face with mandatory increases. Payroll is one of the biggest financial commitments for any business, and a sudden jump in minimum wage can significantly impact profit margins. From 1 July 2023, these include:

  • Australia’s minimum wage will increase by 8.6 per cent, and award workers will get a 5.75 per cent pay boost
  • The new national minimum wage will be $23.23 per hour, and $882.80 per week, based on a 38-hour week
  • Super guarantee rate increases to 11%

Despite these challenges, it’s crucial to recognise that minimum wage increases can actually enhance productivity within a business. Higher wages attract a more stable and experienced workforce which leads to reduced staff turnover and improved efficiency and effectiveness. While navigating the effects of raising the minimum wage can undoubtedly be challenging, the long-term benefits of a more satisfied and loyal workforce can ultimately outweigh the initial financial strain.

What can you do as a small business owner?

1. Operational efficiencies

Transform your business into a cost-saving machine by taking active measures to eliminate inefficiencies and unnecessary expenses. Streamlining processes, adopting automation technologies, and optimising staffing levels can all minimise the impact on the overall cost structure. Exploring how the supply chain may be optimised can also be a useful investigation.

Looking to invest in employee training and upskilling can lead to a more productive workforce. This can result in maximising the value derived from the increased wages. It may include a strategic view on modern award minimum wages and hours worked.

2. Budgetary adjustments

As business owners, it’s important to be proactive when it comes to managing increased labour costs. In order to cope with these changes, comprehensive budget adjustments must be made. This process involves taking a closer look at financial plans and making necessary revisions to accommodate new wage structures. Reassessing pricing strategies, re-negotiating contracts with suppliers, and exploring potential areas of cost reduction are all effective ways to offset the impact of higher wages. By confidently and strategically approaching these adjustments, business owners can maintain financial stability and continue to succeed in their industries.

3. Pricing and Revenue Strategies

With the higher labour costs, businesses must be strategic in re-evaluating their pricing strategies. While increasing prices may be necessary to maintain profitability, it is important to consider market dynamics and customer expectations. Conducting thorough market research, analysing competitor pricing, and assessing consumer sensitivity to changes in prices can assist in making informed decisions. There are also ways to counteract higher labour costs such as exploring alternative revenue streams, diversifying product offerings, or targeting new customer segments. By striking a careful balance between pricing and other business decisions, companies can stay competitive and profitable despite the pressures of rising labour costs.

4. Workforce Planning

Some options for business owners to consider when reassessing staffing needs and labour allocation is to look at the following:

  • Cross-training employees to handle multiple roles
  • Optimise schedules to ensure optimal coverage during peak hours
  • Evaluate the possibility of flexible or remote working arrangements

To lessen the impact of increased wages, owners can adjust their workforce to better suit the changing needs of their business.

5. Employee Engagement and Retention

Now is a golden opportunity for business owners to foster a positive work environment and boost employee morale. Recognising and rewarding employees for their hard work, offering additional benefits, and providing growth opportunities can go a long way in retaining valuable staff members. By investing in employee happiness, businesses can significantly reduce the costs associated with turnover and training. Happier employees also tend to be more productive, engaged, and invested in the success of the business, making it a win-win situation for all parties involved. Ultimately, the minimum wage increase can be a powerful tool for creating a thriving and successful workplace.

6. Collaboration and Industry Support

As a business owner, you need to know that you are not alone in navigating the challenges of the minimum wage increase. Seeking support and collaboration within your industry can go a long way in helping you overcome this hurdle. Trade associations, chambers of commerce, and networking groups offer a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and gain access to resources, insights, and best practices. Through these channels, you can share experiences and brainstorm innovative solutions.

Make Changes to comply with new wage laws

Although the wage increase is intended to keep up with the rising cost of living, it poses a significant complexity for business owners. Planning ahead ensures your business remains sustainable and continues to thrive, using the introduction of strategies that work alongside the increasing labour costs. By doing so, you can effectively adapt to the new wage system. We can help you with your budget and ensure your payroll is updated before your next pay run. Contact Amanda today to book an appointment.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Advice NDIS Tax

Expenses & Your Tax – A Guide for NDIS Support Workers

It’s that time of the year again when we start thinking about preparing for the end of the financial year. As an NDIS Support Worker, the end of the financial year can be overwhelming. Especially for sole traders and micro businesses keeping track of expenses and collating receipts, it can a minefield.

But there are some ways you can minimise your tax. Not every strategy will work for you so it’s important that any tax planning considers your business or personal position and goals. Let’s break this down and look at some common considerations when it comes to tax planning.

Making effective superannuation contributions

To maximise the benefit received from the Australian government, there are two methods you can use to make your super contributions work the most effectively for you.

1. Superannuation concessional contributions

Self-employed contractors and freelancers are often responsible for their own retirement savings, unlike salaried or PAYG employees who typically have this taken care of. As a result, many delay their retirement planning and contributing to their super.

Contributing to your super through the concessional contribution can provide a tax benefit. This is because your super contributions are deducted from your pre-tax income and are taxed at a lower rate of 15%, with a limit of $27.5k per year. Utilising the concessional contribution can be a productive strategy for reducing your tax rate.

It’s important to know that you can make an additional contribution of up to $110k to your superannuation fund, in addition to the $27.5k concessional limit. However, you cannot claim a deduction for this amount as it comes out of your post-tax income. Contributing to your superannuation is a vital way of saving for your long-term future and is a worthwhile investment.

2. Superannuation co-contributions

The Super co-contribution scheme is an Australian Government initiative to help low and middle-income earners increase their superannuation contributions, by matching a certain number of contributions made into a superannuation fund up to a maximum of $500. So, if you meet the eligibility criteria and put $1000 into your superannuation scheme, the government will match you with an additional $500. This gets paid directly into your super scheme after you have lodged your tax return. However, if you make a personal contribution and claim an income tax deduction for this contribution, you will not qualify for the co-contribution scheme.

Claiming business deductions

It may be beneficial to pay certain business expenses before the end of the financial year, regardless of your income or level of expenditure so you can claim them as a tax offset. Just remember, that if you pay an expense such as a subscription up-front this year you will not be able to claim the deduction next year.

When claiming expenses as an NDIS Support Worker, it’s important to keep in mind a few golden rules:

  • All expenses must be for your business, not for personal use.
  • If the expense is a mix of business and personal use, only the business portion can be claimed.
  • All records and receipts must be up to date and able to prove the purchase.
  • Only what has been paid for out of pocket is claimable. Any employer reimbursements are no longer claimable.
  • Allowances are different, if you receive an allowance for an expense, you can claim it.

Knowing what you can and can’t claim

This can be difficult and sometimes frustrating to decipher so here is a list of some of the more common things you may be able to claim as a NDIS Support Worker.


Clothing that is solely used for work purposes is deductible. These include:

  • Protective clothing such as gloves, shoes, scrubs, and masks
  • Compulsory uniforms that are specified in your employer’s uniform policy
  • Occupational-specific clothing that distinctly identifies a person associated with a particular occupation


You may be able to claim work-related equipment, such as art supplies, computers, printers, and mobile phones, as a tax deduction. With government pandemic stimulus initiatives, more expensive items could qualify for accelerated depreciation (temporary full expensing). However, before making a big purchase, it’s best to speak with your tax agent for guidance.

Mobile phone bills

If you only use your mobile phone for business, you can claim deductions for both the phone’s cost and the monthly service fees, regardless of whether you have a prepaid or monthly plan. However, if you use the phone for both business and personal use, you can only claim a percentage of the expenses that correspond to the business usage.

Professional fees and subscriptions

There are a variety of professional fees and subscriptions that are claimable. These include annual subscriptions to an association for annual practising certificates, memberships, or accreditation. Union fees or any business-related software, magazines, or licensing fees.

Professional insurance

You can claim insurance expenses as business expenditures if you have professional indemnity insurance to protect your clients, public liability insurance to cover your business in case of an incident, or insurance for all your business assets.


Promoting your business, whether its website costs, signs, digital advertising, printing, or newspaper advertising, can be claimed as a business deduction.

Professional development

If you spend money on courses, training, and development to improve or maintain the knowledge, capabilities or skills required for your current job and income, you can claim the expenses.

Travel expenses

Any travelling cost between your home and place of employment isn’t considered as a deduction but if you transport a client during a shift, travel from one workplace to another or any parking, tolls, or public transport you pay would be considered.

Key dates to remember

Besides all the possible deductions, one of the most important things is to remember that your tax obligations aren’t over at the end of June. There are a variety of dates to ensure you are all up to date and compliant with your taxes and obligations. These include:

1st July
The start of the new financial year and where all tax-related obligations centre around. On this date, you can begin applying for your tax refunds for the prior financial year.

31st October
With no extension or tax agent, you’ll have until this date to lodge a tax return.

15 May
If you have a tax agent or accountant, you can submit your completed tax return by the last day of the next financial year.

28 October, 28 February, 28 April, 28 July

If you work for yourself as a GST-registered contractor, freelancer, independent consultant, or sole trader, you will likely have to submit a Business Activity Statement (BAS) or Instalment Activity Statement (IAS) every quarter. These are the dates for filing and paying your quarterly BAS if you fall into this category.

Don’t forget, your tax agent fees are also 100% claimable as a deduction! As Tax Accountants and NDIS Plan Managers, we understand the challenges of managing your expenses as a support worker and offer expert advice to minimise your tax bill and maximise your refund.

Make an appointment today to ensure that you can focus on looking after your clients without worrying about paying more at tax time.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Advice Business Personal Tax

Working from home and changes to tax deductions

Whether it’s to avoid peak hour traffic or parking hassles many Australians have embraced the flexibility of working from home. So, it’s important to know that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) made changes regarding how to calculate tax deductions, starting from 1 July 2022. The Practical Compliance Guidelines (PCG 2023/1) were finalised this year and outlines the ATO’s post COVID-19 approach.

So, if you’re a business owner with staff working from home, or operate a small business yourself from home, make note of these changes which will come into effect for the 2022-23 financial year. Let’s unpack these changes now.

What are the new rules?

Currently, there are three methods for claiming deductions on working from home expenses. These are:

  • The fixed rate method
  • The actual cost method
  • Floor area (for sole traders and partnerships)

You can still use the actual cost method as per the previous tax year, or floor area if you’re a sole trader or partnership.

It is only the fixed rate method that is changing.

The fixed rate method is used when calculating claims for work expenses that are challenging to distinguish between home and work use. For instance, determining the exact amount of an employee’s home electricity used for work purposes. So, opting to claim based on the fixed rate method is a viable option.

Under the new rules:

  • The fixed rate for working from home has increased from 52 cents to 67 cents per hour.
  • The rate now includes phone and internet expenses.
  • You no longer need to have a separate home office or workspace to claim the fixed rate.
  • You can deduct up to $300 of additional expenses if they are not included in the fixed rate (such as home office furniture and equipment).
  • You are no longer able to deduct energy, internet usage, phone usage or stationery/computer consumables separately. This is included as part of the fixed rate option.
  • Any additional expenses over $300 are calculated as depreciating assets.

If you are a sole trader or partnership, these fixed rate method changes will affect you with occupancy expenses and depreciation but only if you choose to use it. The other operating cost options are available, such as floor area or the actual cost method.

New record-keeping requirements in a nutshell

From 1 March 2023, you’ll need to keep accurate and ongoing records of working from home hours.

Previously, it was acceptable to present a 4-week diary that exemplified your schedule and hours worked from home. This will no longer be acceptable.

You will need to:

  • Keep a timesheet, diary, log, spreadsheet or similar record of all hours worked at home for the entire income year, effective 1 March 2023.
  • Keep records such as phone, internet and electricity bills to provide evidence of each expense.
  • Keep receipts and invoices for your home-based work equipment (such as furniture or office equipment) including the supplier details, date purchased and the cost.

Which one is better – fixed rate or actual cost?

Although the fixed rate is more streamlined, it may not be the most suitable option for you. If you properly calculate your actual work-from-home expenses, you may receive more deductions and ultimately more money. However, choosing to claim actual costs could be a more complex and time-consuming process, and you may not end up with extra money after all the effort.

Keeping accurate records and receipts is your responsibility and will assist you in the long run when making claims.

As the 2022-23 financial year will be treated as a transitional year, with these changes it is advisable to contact a tax agent when filing your next income tax return.

We can help you with all the finer details to maximise your return, click here to book an appointment with Amanda today.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Advice Business Strategy

Super & Small Business: Your Obligations Explained

It can be difficult for small business owners to keep on top of the various compliance and legislative requirements, however, one important area that you should pay close attention to is your Superannuation obligations.

Superannuation plays a critical role in ensuring the future financial security of your employees, and non-compliance comes with serious consequences. Let’s look into how being mindful of your Superannuation responsibilities as an employer will help you protect yourself legally and financially, while also doing the right thing by your staff.

What is Super?

Superannuation (also called ‘Super’) is essentially funds to support your retirement, and to reduce the reliance on Government support (such as the pension), as the population ages. Australia has a compulsory system of Superannuation, which means the money for retirement comes mostly from compulsory super contributions that Employers pay into the nominated Super fund. Employees build up Super while they are working, it is a form of compulsory saving that typically can’t be touched until retirement.

By law, as a small business owner and employer, you must pay a specific percentage of each employee’s salary into a designated Superannuation fund or Retirement Savings Account (RSA). This is called the Superannuation Guarantee (SG).

Who do I need to pay Super to?

As a small business owner, it is your responsibility to pay Superannuation contributions for any employee you hire. This applies to all employees, whether they’re full-time, part-time or casual. However, some special provisions do apply to those aged under 18.

When it comes to defining what an employee is, the description can be broad – sometimes including those that would generally be regarded as contractors in other circumstances.

The ATO has a specific SG Eligibility Decision Tool to assist employers in working out their SG obligations. It is better to be safe then sorry, and it is recommended you seek professional advice if you are unsure if you are required to pay your contractors Super.

Where do I pay Super?

As an employer, you must offer eligible employees the right to choose their own fund or RSA via a standard choice form, issued by the ATO.

This form must be offered to an employee within 28 days if they are:

  • a new employee commences working for you
  • an existing employee requesting a form (unless you’ve already given them a form within the past 12 months)
  • now aware that a fund you have been contributing to can no longer receive your contributions
  • changing the fund you have selected as a ‘default fund’

Once employees have chosen their preferred fund, you have two months before all Super contributions must be paid into this account. If they are not, as an employer you run the risk of being penalised by the ATO.

To make it easier for small businesses to meet their obligations, eligible employers can pay their Superannuation contributions to the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House. The Clearing House is a free online Superannuation payments system that saves you time and money to pay super into multiple accounts. Employers can use the Clearing House if they have 19 or fewer employees, or annual aggregated turnover of less than $10 million.

To learn more about which employees are eligible and your own obligations as an employer, visit the Australian Taxation Office’s, Superannuation Guarantee Eligibility Decision tool.

How much super do I need to pay and when do I pay it?

Currently, all employers must pay a minimum of 10.5 percent of an eligible employee’s ordinary time earnings (OTE), which is the amount they are paid for their normal work hours (no overtime). This amount will increase in 0.5 percent increments until it reaches 12 percent on 1 July 2025. Your Accountant or Bookkeeper will let you know when the minimum Super amount changes. However, many employers offer above the minimum Super contribution as an incentive for employees.

Super contributions must be paid into an employee’s account at least every three months. Like BAS payments there are designated quarterly cut-off dates:

Quarter                                         Cut-off date

1 July – 30 September                  28 October

1 October – 31 December             28 January

1 January – 31 March                    28 April

1 April – 30 June                            28 July

What happens if I don’t meet my Super obligations?

A number of penalties may be imposed if you do not meet your Superannuation Guarantee obligations.

Penalties include:

  • Not paying employees the full amount of super they’re entitled to, also known as a Superannuation Guarantee shortfall
  • Not paying super to an employee’s fund of choice, referred to as choice liability
  • Not making payment by the quarterly cut-off date
  • Not handing out a choice of fund form to new employees when this is required

To avoid these issues and get yourself off on the right foot as a small business, have a chat with your accountant or bookkeeper to make sure you are paying these entitlements correctly. Using a payroll system like Xero may also assist you in accurately tracking what you’re paying and reduce errors.

If you are thinking of getting a first employee it is recommended to have a chat to us before they come on board to make sure you get your systems and processes right from the start. Click here to book an appointment with Amanda today.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Advice Budgeting Tax

Get a Head Start on Your Tax Planning with these Easy Ideas

Tax planning is the strategy to minimise the amount of tax you owe on your income, assets, and wealth. Having the right strategy enables you to successfully handle your tax liabilities by making use of tax credits and deductions that are available to you. Tax planning is not tax avoidance; which is the illegal practice of not reporting income in order to not pay taxes. Tax planning is making sure you are not paying more tax then you are obligated to.

What is the importance of tax planning?

There are many reasons to consider tax planning as an integral part of your overall business cashflow and financial plan. These can include saving money, preventing the overpayment of taxes, seeing your return on investment and enabling future financial growth. Although not a one-size-fits-all approach, the ultimate goal is to reduce your taxable income to minimise the tax that you need to pay and to maximise the amount of money you have in your pocket.

Who needs tax planning?

  • Tax planning for individuals gives you the power to take charge of your financial situation by making intelligent decisions to avoid unnecessary debt. Usually individuals with investment assets or who have received a lump-sum during the financial year will consider tax planning strategies.
  • For businesses, tax planning is a technique to ensure that the company is in the best possible position to make future decisions. Having a long-term plan to both lower your taxes and maintain commercial efficiency is a winning combination.

Here are some quick and easy strategies to help both businesses and individuals to plan for tax time. It’s best to chat to your Accountant or Financial Planner now to find out what other tax incentives are applicable to your personal circumstances.

1.      Plan your cash flow

The ebb and flow of cash flow is a common challenge for many businesses, as bills have to be paid on time while employees are compensated and accounts receivables come in. Unfortunately, these large tax payments can take away from the resources needed elsewhere in both business operations and personal finances. By proactively forecasting your cash flow needs and planning out when taxes need to be paid, you’ll be able to sidestep any unexpected expenses or lack of funds.

2.      Plan for payment dates

It’s important to remember that missing tax payments can cause serious issues, like fines and end up straining your cash flow.  By carefully planning for your tax payments, you can avoid these unnecessary expenses.  Scheduling ahead of time and budgeting well in advance, not only reduces anxiety but positions you for continuing success.

3.      Pay Superannuation Liabilities

To minimise your tax bill, consider using your superannuation as a tax strategy. By making an early payment on your superannuation liabilities, you’ll be able to get the deduction a year earlier. This future projection gives you greater flexibility with both your budget and cash flow.

4.      Bring Forward Other Expenses

Tax planning doesn’t have to be complicated. Like other strategies, you can reduce your current tax obligations by bringing forward other expenses. This way, you will get a deduction this year that would otherwise not be available until next year.

5.      Be prepared for your tax instalments

By putting money aside every week or month, even in a secondary account so that when that tax bill comes in, you have the funds ready to cover your tax obligations.  This strategy helps smooth out any rough patches with your cash flow that was not yours from earlier throughout the year and puts control back into your hands.

6.      Make Additional Superannuation Contributions

As an individual, if you can afford to make additional superannuation contributions, this is a great strategy for reducing your taxes at the same time.  With some minor adjustments, you’ll find that it’s easy to afford additional super contributions. You may miss the extra money at first, but as time progresses and your superannuation balance continues to rise, you won’t regret making this decision!

Taking charge of your finances and setting yourself up for success requires an annual tax planning meeting. This does not need to be hard; however, it should involve a balanced approach that evaluates your overall tax strategy in order to make the most of every dollar saved on taxes.

Click here to book an appointment with Amanda to find out more about tax planning.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Advice Budgeting Business Strategy Tax

Profit & Loss Statements Explained

Keeping track of your finances is essential if you’re a small business owner. But what is a profit and loss statement, and why do you need one?

A profit and loss statement is a document that shows your business’ income and expenses over a specific period of time. It can help determine whether your business is making a profit or not. You usually complete a profit and loss statement every month, quarter and financial year. In this article, we will explain what a Profit and Loss Statement is and how to create one for your small business.

How to create a profit and loss statement

Reviewing the financial state of your business regularly will help ensure your success and catch any areas of concern before they snowball. Creating a profit and loss statement is relatively easy, if you use an accounting platform such as Xero or Myob, you can create your reports with a click of a button under the reporting section.

If you are not using accounting software, there are many free templates available online to get you started. If you’re unsure about which template to use, search for one that is specific to small businesses to gain the most benefit from the information it provides. Completing these manually can be time-consuming and key information can get missed. When deciding whether to invest in accounting software, consider how much time you spend compiling reports instead of working in other areas of your business.

As your business grows, we recommend investing in an accounting platform so you can stay on top of your financial position across the entire year.

What information should be included in a profit and loss statement?

A profit and loss statement contains actual and sometimes forecasted figures related to sales, expenses, and profits. This statement provides a comprehensive overview of the business’s financial performance over a certain period.

Your line items will typically include the following:

  • Total revenue gained from sales
  • Any associated expenses to deliver those sales (cost of goods)
  • Expenses such as wages and taxes

It allows you to gain insight into the net profit produced and understand your expenses. Reviewing this information is key for small business owners so that you can remain aware of your current financial standing, where you are making a profit, what products or services are not profitable, and that you have a return on your expenses. At the end of the day, knowing your position means you can make informed decisions when planning for the future.

How often are profit and loss statements calculated?

An accurate and timely profit and loss statement is one of the most important financial components of any small business. We recommend that you review your income and expenses monthly, quarterly, and yearly.

Many small businesses calculate their profit or loss monthly, which is good for showing a snapshot of the details for each month. However, it is also beneficial to establish a quarterly review as staff illness or seasonal factors can affect your monthly numbers, where a quarterly review helps to take a step back and make sure that your numbers are improving, even if you have a slow month.

An annual review is typically undertaken at the beginning of the calendar year or financial year and helps to set your business goals and budgets as part of your yearly business plan.

Reviewing regularly allows you to compare over time and better plan for the future. With accurate monthly, quarterly, and annual statements, you can ensure that your business remains profitable long-term.

Tips for making the most of your profit and loss statement

To make sure you’re making the most of your profit and loss statement, it’s important to keep accurate records and review regularly to identify potential trends, check prices frequently against competitors, and plan for upcoming seasonal fluctuations and peak times. Additionally, be sure to identify expenditures that are necessary to the long-term success of your business. By taking proactive steps such as these, small business owners can learn how to manage their finances more effectively and ensure their overall success for years to come.

Creating a profit and loss statement can seem daunting for small business owners if you are starting out or haven’t done one before. But having this information at your fingertips (and understanding the report) is invaluable. By understanding how to create a statement, what information should be included, and updating it regularly, you can use it to make informed financial decisions. If you have any queries regarding Profit & Loss Statements or setting up an accounting platform, we are here to help. Just click here to book an appointment with Amanda.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Business Tax

Quick Guide to getting your Invoicing right

Invoicing clients is an essential component of being a support worker in the NDIS industry. As the demand for services continues to grow and become more complex, so do the requirements placed on you when it comes to invoicing your clients. With this guide, we’ll walk through some best practices and tips for ensuring you get your invoicing process right every time with minimal stress.

What is an invoice

An invoice is a request for payment for goods or services. When providing services through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), support workers generate invoices to ensure that all pre-approved costs are accounted for and paid on the agreed upon date. Invoices document the transaction clearly, showing both parties exactly what was exchanged in return for payment. They also provide documentation in case of any disputes or discrepancies that may arise down the line. Invoicing is an important part of doing business, so it pays to get it right from the start.

How to correctly fill out an invoice

When it comes to invoicing knowing how to correctly fill out an invoice is essential. To get your invoicing right every time, bear in mind that you must include your NDIS business name, your ABN, the participant’s name and NDIS number, the support item number, the dates of service, and the total invoice amount. By including these components, payment will be smooth and efficient. Utilising this knowledge to accurately complete an invoice can save you time and satisfy auditing requirements.

When should you send your invoices

Sending your invoices on time is very important! It’s recommended to issue an invoice after each service, so that the client can easily track their usage and progress. Aim to submit your invoices as soon as possible after each visit, but no later than 7 days after the completion of the service. This way you are more likely to get paid on time, and will also avoid any discrepancies or disputes. Remember that if you have a payment plan agreement in place, then you should follow the terms within that agreement. Knowing when to send your invoices is a key part of staying organised and on top of your finances.

The difference between an invoice and wage

Understanding the difference between an invoice and a wage is important for NDIS support workers. Invoices are usually only sent out when goods have been sold or services have been rendered, and they should include the details of any items that were purchased or services that were offered on a particular date. A wage, on the other hand, is a sum of money given to a person as compensation for labour done as part of an employment agreement. Wages by law have to be paid on a specific day whereas a business can be more sporadic due to time of submission, cut-off times, NDIS downtime, or public holidays.  As an NDIS support worker, you may be getting paid in either one of these ways depending on your individual contract – don’t forget to check, so that you can ensure you’re getting the remuneration you deserve for your work!

Importance of Terms and conditions on contracts or quotes

The next step is getting the right invoicing processes in place to ensure proper remuneration for the services you provide. Part of this involves making sure that any contract or quote given has complete and appropriate terms and conditions included. Not only must these be clearly defined, but they should be tailored specifically to your particular services offered and agreed upon by all parties involved. Having a thorough understanding of the terms and conditions of any contract or quote can prevent potential disputes in the future, so it’s important to take some time to review them before signing anything.

Creating an invoice may seem daunting but this guide has hopefully given you a better understanding of invoicing vs a pay cheque and how to correctly fill one out. Remember that getting your invoice right means you get paid on time, so know your legal requirements and remember to book a chat with Amanda at tax time.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Advice Tax

Are you eligible for the Small Business Technology Investment Boost?

The new Small Business Technology Investment and Skills Boost is set to benefit small businesses by offering them tax incentives for investing in technology for their business. Here are some facts you need to know about the grant:

What is a tax deduction?

To understand how these new tax offsets can benefit your business, you must first understand how tax deductions work. A tax deduction is a business expense you have incurred during the operation of your business, which you can then claim as part of your tax return to reduce your taxable income (the amount of tax you have to pay at the end of the financial year). There are many types of business expenses, with a number of guidelines on what you can and cannot claim. Some expense claims can be complicated to work out (such as determining what percentage of your computer is used for work or personal use) while many expenses are 100% tax deductible – meaning you can claim the full cost incurred on tax.

Small Business Technology Investment Boost

Under the new scheme, businesses will be able to claim a total deduction of 120% on digital assets and services such as portable payment devices, cyber security systems, or subscriptions to cloud-based services. These assets are the examples that have been announced by the government so far, but once the law has passed, we will have more details on exactly what you can and cannot claim under this incentive.

The boost will apply to expenses incurred from 29 March 2022 – 30 June 2023, and is capped at $100,000 in expenditure. In most instances, businesses will still be able to claim expenditures over $100,000 as they normally would, the boost incentive will not apply once the threshold is reached.

How to Claim the Technology Investment Boost

For any eligible digital expenditure incurred between 7:30 pm AEDT 29 March 2022 and 30 June 2022 businesses can:

  • claim the expense as per usual in your 2021–22 tax return, and
  • claim the extra 20% bonus deduction for this period in your 2022–23 tax return.

For any eligible digital expenditure incurred from 1 July 2022 until 30 June 2023:

  • the entire 120% can be claimed as a deduction your 2022–23 tax return.

Small Business Skills and Training Boost

The Small Business Skills and Training boost allows businesses with an aggregated annual turnover of less than $50 million to claim a further 20% tax deduction on expenditure incurred on eligible training courses provided to employees.

The training must be provided by a registered business within Australia and it must be an external organisation.

Therefore, it doesn’t apply to in-house or on-the-job training. The Small Business Skills and Training boost will apply for eligible expenditure from 29 March 2022 – 30 June 2024.

How to claim the skills and training boost

For any eligible expenditure incurred between 7:30 pm AEDT 29 March 2022 until 30 June 2022:

  • claim the expense as usual in your 2021–22 tax return, and
  • claim the extra 20% bonus tax deduction for this period in your 2022–23 tax return.

For eligible expenditures incurred from 1 July 2022 until 30 June 2023:

  • the entire 120% can be claimed as a deduction on your 2022–23 tax return.

For eligible expenditures incurred from 1 July 2023 until 30 June 2024:

  • the entire 120% can be claimed as a deduction on your 2023–24 tax return.

Tracking Your Business Expenses

If you aren’t already tracking your expenses, we recommend doing so and making note of any expenditures that may be eligible for either of these new tax offsets. For any tax deductions you wish to claim, you must keep records such as receipts or invoices in either paper or electronic form. It is recommended to keep these records for five years from the date you lodge your tax return. Implementing accounting software is also an easy way to help manage your business expenses by helping to store your records and categorise your expenses correctly.

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure you are not paying more tax than you need to. Knowing what you are eligible to claim as a tax deduction can be confusing, and it can often be hard to know what to look for and if you are taking advantage of every possible incentive. If you’re unsure or would like any assistance with your tax, please book an appointment with me. I offer a free initial consultation, where we can discuss your tax needs and how I can best assist you and save you money at tax time.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


Getting the most out of your NDIS Plan

This blog post will look at some tips to manage and get the most out of your NDIS Plan. Using a plan manager is an effective way to make sure that all aspects of managing an NDIS plan run smoothly, allowing peace of mind that your funds are being managed responsibly and efficiently by experienced professionals.

Let’s break down what a plan manager is, the benefits of having one, and how to find the right one for you.

What Does A Plan Manager Do?

A plan manager is a registered NDIS provider who helps manage the funding in your NDIS plan. They will pay any providers for the support you purchase as part of your plan, keep track of your funds and do financial reporting for you. This way, you don’t need to worry about paying bills on time or making sure all paperwork is up to date – your plan manager will handle it all.

We not only help you keep your payments on track because we can help you to budget your funds and understand any service caps where you may have out-of-pocket expenses and the supports and budget available under your plan.

Benefits Of Having A Plan Manager

Having a plan manager means that you will save time and energy from managing your own finances. You won’t need to worry about taking care of financial paperwork and making sure everything is up to date – your plan manager will take care of it for you.

It also means that if there are any discrepancies with payments or invoices, these issues can be dealt with quickly by someone experienced in NDIS issues.

Finding The Right Plan Manager For You

When choosing a provider, always check their registration status and consider asking for personal recommendations first – this way, you can be sure that you’re getting the best service available.

Finally, chat with your Plan Manager to make sure they are the right fit. You can even prepare some questions like their turnaround time for processing accounts. Your Plan Manager helps you with the day-to-day management of your plan, so it is important that they understand what you want to achieve and can support you to get there.

Your Plan and What You Want to Achieve

The first step in creating your NDIS plan is setting up a planning conversation. To get the most out of your NDIS Plan, you need to clearly understand what you want to achieve. Without clear goals, measuring your progress and understanding where the funding can be used to support you best is difficult.

Goals and objectives help you stay on track. When you meet with the NDIS to determine your funding, you will likely set goals around what you want to achieve. These can always be updated in your review.

Your goals can be big or small, short-term or long-term, simple or complex. They don’t need to be about anything in particular – they can be about anything you want to work towards.

For example, some of the things that you may want to work towards include becoming more independent, getting or keeping a job, learning new skills, enrolling in education, becoming more active in your community, or improving relationships and making friends

By setting goals during the planning conversation, your NDIS plan and subsequent funding can be better tailored to your needs. It is important to remember that any goal is valid.

How Can These Goals Help You?

Think about the things that make you happy – what do you like doing? Is there something that you want to change or try? Having an understanding of these things helps to establish what kind of goals would be most suitable for you as an individual

Your goals must reflect what is important to you, so your funding is tailored towards getting you the support that suits you. By setting clear objectives from the outset, you are laying the foundations to pave the way for success.

You can invite friends, family members or advocates to join our planning conversation; having another person with you that you trust could be helpful.

Considering Needs & Eligibility Criteria

You will be assessed to see if any NDIS-funded supports are necessary for you. These must meet the NDIS funding criteria to move forward with your plan. This assessment determines if an item or service meets yours and the NDIS requirements, considering reasonable and necessary supports, making sure that the price of an item is in line with the market rate, etc.

Developing & Approving Your Plan

Once all this information has been gathered and considered, your plan will be developed and approved by the NDIS. Then it will be sent to you so you can start using it immediately.

Remember that you don’t have to go through this process alone – if needed, other people such as friends, family or an advocate are welcome to join the conversation.  

It is essential to know that we can only pay for support that you buy after your plan starts – any expenses incurred before this will not be covered by the NDIS

Check-Ins and Reassessments

During your NDIS plan, you will have periodic check-ins with NDIS to ensure that everything is going smoothly and that your plan is working as intended for you. As circumstances change over time, so may your NDIS needs and goals. This is an opportunity to make sure that you are getting the funding to reach your goals.

Your plan ends when a new one is created (your plan comes up for renewal or if you have had a review completed) or when you leave the NDIS.

Plan Management & Your Goals

To get the most out of your NDIS plan, your funding should provide solid foundations to achieve your goals. As your Plan Manager, we walk with you along with your service providers to move forward towards those goals.

A clear understanding of what is important to you means we can help you budget your plan and check that services and service providers are approved under your plan. If you would like to chat about our approach to Plan Management, book a chat with Amanda.

This blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided in this blog post should not be taken as professional accounting advice or recommendations.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.